Author: Dr. Anjalika Atrey

Neuropsychiatrist Sexologist and De-addiction specialist

What is Testosterone Testosterone is primarily known as the primary sex hormone in males, but it is also present in small quantities among individuals assigned to females at birth. This steroid hormone is predominantly produced within the testicles and ovaries, while the adrenal glands produce a limited amount of it. Throughout puberty among those assigned males at birth, testosterone plays a critical role in driving physical changes such as increased muscle mass, voice deepening, and hair growth. In this article, we will discuss how to increase testosterone levels naturally. Low Testosterone Symptoms Following are the symptoms of low testosterone in…

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A lousy diet not only hinders your weight but could also be the reason for your problems below the waistline-erectile dysfunction! A survey in India showed that one out of every ten Indian males suffers from impotence. Besides erectile dysfunction, about 1 in 8 men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime, both of which can be prevented through a strict diet and lifestyle change. This guide is compiled with topics to give you an in-depth analysis of causes and solutions such as: What causes Erectile Dysfunction? Prevention of Erectile Dysfunction Penis-friendly Foods Several factors besides aging affect the bodily…

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