Author: Sukriti Sharma

MBBS MD Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Reproductive Medicine specialist . Experience of more than 10 years. Dr Sukriti Sharma is a chief Reproductive Medicine Consultant and Gynaecologist at Central Hospital , Maternity Home and Santaan infertility Centre Jalandhar which is the highest rated Maternity Hospital and Fertility clinic in jalandhar city .

Libido is a term that refers to a person’s sex drive or desire for sexual activity. It can vary from person to person, and it can also fluctuate throughout one’s lifetime. Libido plays an important role in overall sexual health and well-being. However, sometimes it can be challenging to maintain a healthy libido due to various factors such as hormonal imbalances, stress, anxiety, medical conditions/medications, and relationship issues. In this blog post, we will dive deep into understanding libido – what it is, its importance, and the factors that affect it.  Additionally, we will discuss some foods that increase libido.…

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