Author: Khushi Chhabra

Khushi Chhabra is a Clinical Nutritionist and a Certified Yoga Instructor. Armed with a degree in Nutrition and a genuine love for nourishing the body from the inside out, she is your dedicated guide on the journey to optimal well-being. Her vision is to foster healthy behavioral changes and promote a sustainable holistic lifestyle in order to build a healthier happier world.

Staying hydrated in summer is crucial to maintain bodily functions, regulate temperature, and prevent dehydration. The heat accelerates fluid loss through sweat, making it essential to replenish fluids regularly. Proper hydration supports overall well-being, enhances energy levels, and helps us stay alert and focused during the hot months.  But some summer drinks like energy drinks and cold drinks contain sugar which can be a problem for people suffering from diabetes. In this blog we will understand the Best sugar free drinks for the summer suitable for diabetics:   Lemonade without Sugar Ingredients:  4-6 medium-sized lemons  4 cups of water  Stevia,…

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Apple cider vinegar is gaining popularity in Indian households due to its multiple health benefits. Apple cider vinegar benefits range from beauty, weight management and household food preparations. Apple cider vinegar is made from fermented apple juice. ACV produced through a two-step process:  Fermentation: Crushed apples are combined with yeast to convert their sugars into alcohol.  Acetic acid fermentation: Bacteria are then added to the alcohol solution, fermenting it further into acetic acid, which gives vinegar its sour taste and strong odor.  Let’s find out the health benefits of apple cider vinegar.  1.Helps to lower blood sugar  Apple cider vinegar…

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Do You Juice for Digestion? Here’s the Lowdown on the Best Fruit Juices Nearly half (42%) of Americans experience occasional digestive issues like bloating, gas, or constipation. While dietary changes and fiber intake are crucial for gut health, many people turn to fruit juices for a quick and potentially refreshing digestive aid. But with so many options on the shelves, which fruit juice reigns supreme for digestive well-being? (1) This guide explores the science behind fruit juices and digestion, revealing the contenders for the title of “best juice for digestion.” 11 Best Juices for Digestion: 1. Apple Juice Apple juice…

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Protein shakes are the best way to fulfil your daily protein requirements. While there are protein powders available in the market, making your own protein shake can be fun and healthy. Here are 30 protein shakes recipes for muscle building. 1. Banana Berry Blast Packed with the goodness of vanilla protein powder and optional spinach for added nutrition, this vibrant concoction is perfect for a post-workout replenishment or a nourishing start to your day. Ingredients: 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 1/2 banana 1/2 cup mixed berries (raspberries, strawberries, or blueberries) 1 cup almond milk Handful of spinach (optional) 2. Chocolate…

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Summer is a vibrant season filled with warmth, sunshine, and endless opportunities for outdoor enjoyment. People relish a variety of outdoor activities, such as picnics in the park, swimming at the beach or pool, hiking along lush trails, and playing sports like cricket or football.   Children eagerly embrace their summer vacation, spending carefree days exploring nature, riding bikes, building sandcastles, and playing games with friends. From leisurely strolls in the sunshine to exhilarating adventures in the great outdoors, summer offers a plethora of experiences that bring joy, relaxation, and cherished memories for people of all ages.  Summer heat can lead…

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